Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Colorado Winter Session One

There have been some rumors circulating this winter involving Colorado and something about the snow sports capital of the states. While the validity of these reports can only be speculated upon, the fact that our fine mountains have been covered with ice and snow for the last couple months does add a speck of credibility. Because of this, February can be a tough month for mountainboarding.
Fortunately for Colorado, on top of being a state for snow angels, snow men and snow bunnies, it’s also a state for sunshine. That means that on those blue bird winter days, when the lift lines are long and I-70’s feelin’ like a parking lot, chances are your favorite dirt shredgrounds are ready to ride. Kody Stewart, Evan Carlson, Josh Cole and Jason Lee really proved this point when they headed down to the MBS Compound last weekend for a sunset sesh.

Kody with a front 3 stalefish. Really giviner. Evan with a fond, loving gaze.

Classic J Lee, turning Japanese.

The MBS Compound is the dirt-child of Jason Lee and is located right outside the MBS office. It will be familiar to many US riders as the venue for last year’s Fall Classic. Only one of the two tables was hittable and these guys were hittin’ it hard.

E Car, "I've never hit a table so hard."

Evan again with a nice corked 5.

The general verdict seems to be that variety is the spice of life. That's why
we're so lucky here in Colorado. While the snow is nice, so is the dirt, and to maintain a balanced lifestyle, its important to get a lot of both.

Kody fs rodeo 720.

Some of you keen eyed readers might be wondering why Kody Stewart is seen here wearing a helmet belonging to Jason Lee. The explanation is simple: Kody just wasn't done riding after shattering his first one. This guy's a real man and a true professional.

One footed 360 by Kody Stewart.

So, the moral of the story is, even in Colorado, where snow sports reign supreme, there's always time to shred some dirt. Have fun out there, hope the winter is treating you well.

Until next time,


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